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larder cupboard

This looks awesome, love it!

Patty Herwick

YAAAY to you Marika for taking this class! I'm so jealous I was unable to join...but standing isn't my strength right now! LOL!
Cyndi is always an inspiration to me, and a reminder that it is quite possible to do it all!! And you are on your way!

I can't wait to hear what you do next. XOXO Patty+2


This looks awesome, as is Cyndi! I worked with Temple and had heard about her forever - and she way exceeded the hype. She's amazing and so genuinely lovely. Sully is the bomb. Great family and it looks like you have a great project!


Hi Laura! I'm just starting to read yours! Love it. And YES, you must go and do the art class....such a fantastic night! Love, M

hollywood housewife

I love the 40 by 40 project and this post! Such a great description of cyndi.

I've been dying to get together a group of girlfriends to do the GNO class, and you've further inspired me.


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